Here Pistoia , Tuscany, Italy : after lockdown we are going to reopen our clothes shops
Finally here we are : next Monday ,May 18th 2020, clothes and shoe shops will reopen and this is a very good news for me.
Finally our streets will have their life back : open doors to welcome clients and no more empty streets , people will have a reason to go out ,I hope!
Open shops makes me feel safer when I am walking in a city, do you feel the same in your town?
Makes me feel happier as I can see beautiful shop windows with colors and new things , people talking from one shop to another in front of their open doors and in the middle of the street it’s simply the stream of life that passes through!
This lockdown stopped almost all our activities as well as our lives : sometimes we have been felt ourselves as prisoners behind a golden gate : no more places where to go to stay together, nothing to wish to buy as nothing was available except food in the supermarket but we , as human beings and especially as Italians , we are not made of this only.
We need arts, concerts, cinema , theatre, events meeting others , sharing good feelings and bad ones : we are not only made of food for body we need to feed our even soul to feel really , completely fine : do you agree?
As Italian I can say that I missed a lot a dinner or a lunch or even a quick breakfast at the bar with my friends as a the best way to start my new day with a chat and lots of smiles and thoughts to be shared.
Maybe also restaurants, pizzeria and bars – cafès will re open in Tuscany on May 18th and this will be another great , beautiful new step ahead towards the “normality “ we need to feel ourselves a bit more humans , more social not just connected with our mobile or computer everyone in his home but looking in each other eyes and ,as Plutarco wrote so many centuries ago : Mediterranean people , as we are, don’t sit around a table just to eat but to eat TOGETHER !
Let’s hope , with all the precautions, to be able to feel again this sense of community that I missed so much in these last months that look like years to me ….we are still alive and this is for sure a great gift but , we must stay human , without missing our need and pleasure to stay together- at the distance – but close and smelling , just a bit again , our scent of humanity.