Certaldo : a Medieval beautiful hamlet in Tuscany!
Have you ever heard about Certaldo before?
Maybe because the renowned writer & poet Giovanni Boccaccio – The Decameron’s author – was born here …..https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Boccaccio
and its home museum so interesting to visit http://www.casaboccaccio.it/ with books & even old shoes dated 1300 and aspectacular view from the tower over the hamlet that till today maintained its old façades in red bricks & its hisorical palaces &Church
…..or maybe because of its special delicious red onion called “Certaldo ‘s Onion ” an excellent product under SlowFood Presidia ….http://www.fondazioneslowfood.com/en/slow-food-presidia/certaldo-onion/ even Boccaccio wrote about it in one if his novel!

….maybe just because of its original hand painted ceramics & potteries by www.artesiaceramica.it & its classes to learn how to make them?
….or maybe because of its artistic cappuccinos & espresso coffee made by Caffè Boccaccio http://www.barboccaccio.it/wordpress/ ?
Soooo many places to visit here and goodies…..to taste!
I had a great lunch with typical Tuscan dishes by www.tavernaanticafonte.it and www.ristoranteacasatua.it

Medieval dancers around our table with a fantastic music appeared to me as in a dream! https://associazioneculturaleipotesiteatrale.wordpress.com/

maybe you would love to bring home some delicious souvenir and so…let stop by La Dolce Vita !where life is really sweet 😋☺️😉 or having a great cooking experience by wwwcucinagiuseppina.com
Think I told you enough for now to invite you to visit Certaldo as it is a gem in the countryside between Florence & Siena & just 10 km from the most well known San Gimignano.
Don’t miss it if you want to see a real Tuscan hamlet !👍🔝😉