Here Florence, Tuscany, Italy : May 21st 2020 Boboli Gardens re- open to public
Goodmorning everybody, I am so happy that I am crying of joy writing this post : such a great good news I am going to tell you:
after 10 weeks of closure due to the Covid19 finally a museum re-open and this is a very good sign!
No matter if we will not have any tourists coming from overseas or even from Europe but for us as Italians, as Tuscan people this means a lot: this historical garden is part of the beating heart of Florence since 1550 it comes out from the union of two green spaces : one used as an agricultural destination and the other part on the backside of the palace as a celebrative destination .
Niccolò Tribolo is the name of the great architect who projected the garden and with also the contribution of other important architects such as Vasari, Ammannati and Buontalenti .
At the beginning the area was divided in different sectors for olive groves and vineyards cultivations and between in 1583 and 1593 Bernardo Buontalenti projected and realized the “ Grotta grande” – the big grotto – that later was called with his name : “ Grotta del Buontalenti “ with trompe-l’oeil decorations, sponges, shells and running water that is still nowadays a wonderful masterpiece of art.

At the beginning of the XXVII century the “amphitheater of verzura “ was walled and was decorated with classical statues and terracotta vases. The garden was enlarged on the South side with the creation of three labyrinth of verzura -of green – and in 1612 with “ La vasca dell’isola” the garden had its highlights.

After the death of the last of the Medici family Gian Gastone dei Medici in 1737 who owned this garden and its palace, Pitti palace, the Asburgo Lorena run this place unti 1765.
So , as you can imagine this beautiful garden that it is now 45.000 square meters wide , was such a special place for all the visitors coming from everywhere to Florence since centuries : the purpose of it was in fact the surprise effect on people , behind a big palace , in the heart of the city , nobody could imagine to find a wonderful, special place like this one.

Today a double WOW as it is a sign of a re – start for Florence and for whole Italy! Let’s celebrate this day as a great day ❤️